The LOC method– a simple yet effective giving your hair the moisture it needs to prevent breakage and grow it long!
Yes, you heard right and your heard it here. If you didn’t know this beautiful fact, well now you have no excuse because the secret is out.
Water is truly the ultimate moisturiser for black hair and if you haven’t heard sis, moisturising our hair is the most essential thing you can do for your hair to help it thrive! Why is that? Black gets particularly dry because of its kinky, coily curl pattern making it difficult for our natural hair oils (called sebum) to travel down the hair shaft. Let’s put it this way, our hair is like a plant, if you do not water it doesn’t grow. It’s dry hair that breaks (see previous post and video talking about Why your hair is breaking )! HOWEVER, water alone is not enough and the way to get the best results would all be in the technique.
You may be tempted to think: Can’t I just wet my hair to moisturise it? While water hydration, it shouldn’t be the only step in a moisturising routine.
“Think of water as a vehicle to get other nourishing ingredients to the hair,” says Proctor & Gamble Principal Scientist Rolanda Wilkerson, PhD. “You need other ingredients to protect the lipids and the outer layer of the hair shaft.”
So let’s address another possible misconception: An oil is not a moisturiser! Oils and greases are mistakenly referred to as moisturisers, some are even marketed and presented as such. However this is totally incorrect. You get moisturising oils and then sealing oils, (which we will leave for another post) but oils shouldn’t be the first place to go for moisturising your hair.
Water is the premiere source of moisture and one of the best things for your hair’s health. Why many of us kinky ladies dread water, is often not because of the water itself, but how it is applied to the hair.
Oils and hair grease (if you actually still use this) are sealants in the hair moisturising step sequence. They work to seal/ lock and then keep moisture in your hair, but on its own they are not moisturisers.
The Atara Moisturising Routine for amazing hair growth and health
So, in summary:
- Our hair needs MOISTURE above all else to not just survive but thrive, and the one and the #1 moisturiser is in fact water.
- The best products for our hair are ingredients from NATURE.
- The best kept secret to haircare and reaching all one’s #hairgoals is OILS both carrier and essential oils.
You may recognise these points from our About page, where our Founder Kory, shared her revelations about our hair and the secrets to unlocking its true potential.
Each step of your hair routine should either
1) add moisture or water to your hair or,
2) help to retain or prevent the loss of moisture.
Thus, introducing the L.O.C Method! L.O.C. Method stands for Liquid/Leave-in Contioner, Oil, Cream Method. It is hands down the best ways to moisturise natural hair- And it’s done in just 3 easy steps!
As usual we have done all the research and work for you, so you don’t have to and have formulated the best products and organic ingredients for each step. The L.O.C step order is best for naturalistas while the L.C.O step order seems to work better relaxed hair sisters. However, you know your hair best sis, so always do what you feel is best for it! You can apply the LOC method every 1-2 days or as often as it feels or seems dry.
So let’s break down the facts of the Atara LOC method moisture combos and how to get the most from them shall we?
Water is your hair’s #1 moisturiser! It’s further complimented a bit hair moisturising milk, aloe vera and a blend of the finest essential oils know to revitalise the scalp.
Tips for use: You want to spray it on your scalp to stimulate it as that’s where your hair grows and work your way down the hair strand to your ends as well. You can use the Hair Refresher Spray everyday to spritz your hair, whenever you notice it’s ‘thirsty’.
After moisturising your scalp and strands with the refresher mist, an oil is used in the LOC method to seal in the moisture from the water-based mist to retain the goodness because Type 4 hair gets dryer more quickly.
Tips for use: The Scalp Elixir should be aimed at the scalp and the Sealing Oil should be aimed at the tips first and the the strands. Therefore, feel free to use the following two oils in whichever order you wish.
For the Scalp Elixir- part your hair into sections and using the bottle dropper/pipette, squeeze 1 or 2 drops directly onto scalp both in the partings of your hair and throughout the sections. Remember a little goes a long way! Once you have added drops in different areas across your scalp, use your finger tips to spread the oil by giving your scalp a deep, relaxing massage for about 3-5 minutes to activate the oils’ penetration into the scalp.
For the Sealing Oil- part your hair into sections and, using the bottle dropper/pipette, squeeze a few drops onto your finger tips. Rub your hands together to distribute the oil nicely and, taking the tips of your hair in sections, rub the oil on the tips of your hair. Once the oil is well applied on tips, work your way up your hair strands and distribute oil evenly.
The name says it all- This magical butter is sourced from Ghana and is a ideal addition to the naturalista’s LOC routine or, when mixed with coconut and other oils, is very enriching for relaxed hair using the LCO routine. Cream products help to close the hair cuticle which prevents moisture loss.
Tips for use: Apply desired amount sufficient to coat your hair strands with the cream so that it can protect your hair. For best results, apply at night before going to bed, plait your hair to lock in the moisture and cover with your Atara satin-lined sleeping cap!
The name says it all- This magical butter is sourced from Ghana and is a ideal addition to the naturalista’s LOC routine or, when mixed with coconut and other oils, is very enriching for relaxed hair using the LCO routine. Cream products help to close the hair cuticle which prevents moisture loss.
Tips for use: Apply desired amount sufficient to coat your hair strands with the cream so that it can protect your hair. For best results, apply at night before going to bed, plait your hair to lock in the moisture and cover with your Atara satin-lined sleeping cap so as to not lose all the moisture you have just put in!
Who needs the salon when you can get better value for money? The LOC moisture method combo retails at R390 and is a whole month’s supply of product! If you want even more moisture AND savings, order our Pre-poo treatment along with your LOC combo and save 20% on the Ultimate moisture package!
Thank you for breaking this down!